Kubo-san - Chapter 80 and Announcement Regarding the Series


Read below for an announcement regarding Kubo-san.

Reader - MangaDex


With a heavy heart, we will be dropping Kubo-san as of this chapter due to the recent news of Kubo-san getting picked up by VIZ who will be publishing their releases on their digital platform. The tweet can be found here. To sum it up, they're doing simultaneous releases with the Japanese magazine every week on Wednesday, and they plan on starting with the latest three chapters, so presumably chapters 78, 79, and 80. I have no idea what they plan on doing with all of the previous chapters, but I can only assume that they're assuming their readership that's interested in the series is already caught up because of our releases. Or maybe not, who knows.

Before anyone asks, no, we did not receive a DMCA or anything of the sort. We're only dropping it because there's really no reason for us to continue if the series is getting timely releases, which we admittedly aren't on top of. I operate under the principle that scanlation work should be focused on projects that have been left untouched, or ones that have been largely ignored for whatever reason.

All in all, I love the series and the direction it's going in. It's a shame we're stopping here, but I'm glad the series got noticed to be brought over here officially. If Kubo-san gets physical releases, or digital even, I strongly encourage you to support the series. Or just import the volumes from Japan, that works, too. For now, I'm not sure what our plans are. Lately, I haven't been in the groove to translate (possible burnout, maybe), and Castletown Dandelion has been on the backburner for god who knows how long. Feel free to drop suggestions, but for now, our group might be in a weird dead state indefinitely until I figure out what I want to do.

Thanks for following the series, and I hope you continue to do so for the rest of the manga's ongoing lifetime!

Anime when?


  1. Thank you for your work!

  2. Thank you for your hard work and good luck in future scanlations!

  3. Thanks for the work yall out in

  4. I do hope they'll be actually doing the previous chapters as well, it would be rather disappointing to see a major publisher act like early Crunchytroll and just assume all their customers are pirates with no interest in official releases of the earlier parts.

  5. If it would interest you, maybe you can try to pick up komori-san can't decline? It hasn't been updated in 6 months, and even that last chapter was just something the editor squeezed out, cos his translator got busy irl.


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